The Unveiled Wife by Jennifer Smith

 Motherhood can feel so heavy at times, it can feel like you just can’t catch your breath and every little task ahead feels daunting. Let’s face it, when you are a parent there’s always many tasks ahead, and generally speaking the average couple does not have a lot of help raising the littles that they created. We sure don’t, I can’t remember our last date night out! All this adds up to my topic of today- and how this book came about. 

Because motherhood and wife-hood ? (Is that a word?) Can feel like a LOT at times, my dear friend and I got away for one weekend in July. We went to Sisters Oregon and stayed at a adorable little tiny home, we talked lots, ate yummy food, went thrifting (❤️) and went for leisurely walks at the place we stayed. 

Saturday when we went thrifting my friend had purchased this book, by a author I (regrettably) had never heard of before and said she thinks I would enjoy it! Eager to jump into another book, I started it that evening back at the tiny home! And ladies, boy was it good. It can be hard relating to different books, podcasts and people-really for me. But Jennifer spoke words that honestly I could have written. Not all of course, this is her journey! However, It was enough that I was left with my mouth hanging open a few times. The lady has been through a lot, and I was so thankful for a book that 1- I could relate to and 2- that was REAL. No sugar coating and shaming, no nonsense I have witnessed before in other publications that left me  feeling like I was “less then.” 

I highly recommend this book, as well as her podcast called “Marriage After God.” I have been listening on Spotify, and man it’s good too! 

Do you have any other relatable book recommendations? I would love to hear them! 


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