Football. Fall.

Football season is coming to a close, we only have one more game! (I am very ok with this- it has been a interesting venture with the big boys but I’m ready to wrap it up.) Harrison played first, then a few weeks later Walter started and they both have really enjoyed it.  Harrison has been great on the defensive side and man is he fast! Kid can straight glide to where he needs to be when he’s focused, it’s pretty awesome to see. 
Walter has definitely been more reserved in his games, more cautious and timid. Which is more his character in life as well! Harrison is the run wild fast and free type, they are very different. Both have done great! 

Wrestling with the mag club starts up this week and I just can’t wait to see my boys shred up some mats this season! I missed a lot of last seasons because of working, and “corona.” There wasn’t much of a season. I am hopeful for this year! Franklin will be wrestling which is going to be do adorable, he is so strong- I can’t wait to see how he does. 

 We have been pretty busy in other ways as well, I’ve had my niece over some as well as homeschooling and the normal day-to-day things. We certainly do not get bored around here. 

The cats are all healed up from getting spayed a few weeks ago, which was a interesting experience with three cats...  I ended up buying them little kitty onesies that were just the cutest things ever! Did you know cats fall over when you put things on them?! We laughed pretty hard let me tell you. 

Fall baking has been a thing- that sweet cinnamon or fresh bread aroma often infusing the air nowadays. Nobody’s complaining around here, and I have so many more things I need to try out. Fall/winter are my favorite with being in the kitchen. Of course Pinterest is my go-to for all things “ideas” but I also have several notebook/cookbooks of my own I have made. Someday I will make them look nicer, but for now notebooks work just fine. 

We have a trip to Utah planned for November, we are just going as a couple- no kids... I basically can hardly believe it! My sweet man says “it’s going to be weird” and he’s right! When you’ve been a parent for almost ten years and date nights extremely rare- this is weird! We are looking forward to a fun little trip. 

Well I guess that’s about it for now, oh a update on the princess- she’s doing good as always. Plays toys, colors, chases cats and bugs her brothers like a professional. She’s a joy! She’s just 8 months away from being five! How odd is that... it will fly, time is weird. 

Hope your fall is being filled with good memories and time with those you love! 
Blessings, The Smiths 



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