
Football. Fall.

Football season is coming to a close, we only have one more game! (I am very ok with this- it has been a interesting venture with the big boys but I’m ready to wrap it up.) Harrison played first, then a few weeks later Walter started and they both have really enjoyed it.  Harrison has been great on the defensive side and man is he fast! Kid can straight glide to where he needs to be when he’s focused, it’s pretty awesome to see.  Walter has definitely been more reserved in his games, more cautious and timid. Which is more his character in life as well! Harrison is the run wild fast and free type, they are very different. Both have done great!  Wrestling with the mag club starts up this week and I just can’t wait to see my boys shred up some mats this season! I missed a lot of last seasons because of working, and “corona.” There wasn’t much of a season. I am hopeful for this year! Franklin will be wrestling which is going to be do adorable, he is so strong- I can’t wait to...


Our little fur babies are almost one! Since they were found on the side of the road (they were abandoned) in October as tiny kittens we believe they were born in September. Franklin thinks it’s extra special since his birthday is also in September! He will be turning the ripe old age of six this year. That is just crazy to me that he’s going to be six!  So these kittens kind of changed our world, we did not haven any pets until Dylan and the kids found them. My sweet, kind husband would never tell you how touched he has been by them but we know the truth. They essentially torment the house at night, running what sounds like marathons down the hallways nightly; it’s very loud and annoying. However, they (usually) love being loved on and snuggled, pet and of course fed. They are still on kitten food but will be moving up soon to adult food! Whoohoo!  We sure love our furry little babies. Here’s a few pictures of them that may just give you kitty fever too! 


Yesterday was such a nice day outside, it was so cool and comfortable most of the day. I decided it was the perfect day to pick some more herbs and get them drying! I know some freezes are coming in the next few months so I want to make sure I collect all that I can for sure. How cute is this little basket I thrifted?!  All together I think I got quite a bit and this was just a small amount of each plant! I am happy to have quite a bit on hand, and to bless friends and family with the rest.  The rest are hanging in the mudroom, which we plan to turn into our cold storage eventually. Herbs just look too cute hanging up! Thankful for our little garden. 

Apple picking.

Tonight was the night! We picked the apples from the small apple tree in our yard. The same Apple tree (minus a stint in Idaho and living in the fifth wheel when we moved back) that my kids have been climbing in since Charlotte was a baby. (Excuse me while I cry.) Some days I still can’t believe we moved to Idaho from this house and ended up being back in the same house.  This year we sprayed it twice really well with Diatomaceous Earth in hopes it would prevent worms from finding them.... it in fact did NOT work. Oh well, not giving up on this little tree, next year! All together we filled a large tote, and that’s not bad for free apples! I plan to make applesauce, pie filling and juice. We will see how my plans turn out soon. Four kids and all....  Mom life. 

Garden update and pictures.

 I just want to share a couple pictures I took this morning out in the garden. Birds flying overhead, cool wind on my back and that fresh morning air awakening my spirit. It was a beautiful morning!  I also pulled herbs out, strung them up and hung them to dry out! 

20 mile backpacking trip!

This weekend Dylan took our oldest son on a backpacking trip with a friend and his son who is one of Harrison’s best friends. They hiked a total of twenty miles! Ten in and ten back out. Ten miles of rugged Oregon wilderness, what Dylan said is “the most beautiful area of the country he’s ever seen.”  With so many different types of terrain and different views, wild blueberries, bodies of water and fresh bear poop. Oh yes, you heard me.  Call me jealous over here because man that sounds fabulous. Besides the poo, I can deal without the poo.  I am so glad they were able to get out and have quality time, not enough daddy’s out there doing that! Pretty proud of our big-little boy for making it twenty miles with a hefty pack on his back! Stud.  Here’s a picture of when they came home exhausted, filthy and so hungry. 

Summers end.

  It’s beginning to change, not like the rest of the years changes which have really been a blur since the end of 2019, but actual change. I’m not sure why this fall approaching is feeling different to me, just something about it. This morning I was sitting at my kitchen window sipping my coffee and looking outside. I was watching pale yellow/green leaves falling from my tree slowly. The wind just barely blowing, but we all know change is coming. Fall is inevitable, every year it seems to start with a few leaves here and there... soon to be met with cooler evenings and less frogs singing to me at night.  We’ve had a few heat waves this past summer in the Willamette Valley. Those heat waves felt daunting, never ending, miserable honestly. But when they are over the cooler summer weather is a blessing. Not so aggressive.  Though the change coming feels different somehow I know that it will be beautiful in its own way too. I look forward to gardening with the cool breeze by ...