Summers end.


It’s beginning to change, not like the rest of the years changes which have really been a blur since the end of 2019, but actual change. I’m not sure why this fall approaching is feeling different to me, just something about it. This morning I was sitting at my kitchen window sipping my coffee and looking outside. I was watching pale yellow/green leaves falling from my tree slowly. The wind just barely blowing, but we all know change is coming. Fall is inevitable, every year it seems to start with a few leaves here and there... soon to be met with cooler evenings and less frogs singing to me at night. 

We’ve had a few heat waves this past summer in the Willamette Valley. Those heat waves felt daunting, never ending, miserable honestly. But when they are over the cooler summer weather is a blessing. Not so aggressive. 

Though the change coming feels different somehow I know that it will be beautiful in its own way too. I look forward to gardening with the cool breeze by my side and all of the changes I will witness in my little garden. How will my “fall garden” turn out? Will I figure out all of the little kinks and grow enough? Will it all die? Either way I know I will learn something, and that’s worth it all. 

Our oldest will be going into fourth grade this year, just writing that feels a little absurd. Fourth grade. Time goes so swiftly, I do not know how our oldest boy can possibly be nearing ten.

Fourth grade. Now that some change! 

I know fall will meet us with many other beautiful things, I hope there are many s’mores in our future around our little fire pit, cozy mornings around our woodstove in the house and many cups of hot chocolate and coffee to enjoy. It will be a beautiful season, one I always look forward to. I pray yours is a beautiful time full of memories to have for years to come. 


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