Sunday’s are for Jesus and family.

Today was a busy Sunday morning. Dylan had plans in the morning before the sun even blinded me in the face.  When he did arrive back home we all had a quickly thrown together breakfast and got ready for church! 

Church went great, the kids are always eager to see their friends and we love taking in The Word alongside some friends we have known for many years. Sixteen years in fact (since I was barely seventeen) I first started going to our church. In a tiny little coffee shop where every service smelled amazing and the people were just as sweet as the coffee. For me it was a place where I first found people that were just simply following Jesus and not over complicating faith. Church (specifically this one!) became a safe place for me, where I could get out of the chaos of a messy home life and be with kind people who loved Jesus. 

There was baptisms today, like most Sunday’s in the sweltering sunshine of summer. I fought back tears yet again as I watched these people outwardly showing they choose to follow Jesus. I thought back to when I too was baptized in the frigid waters of the Santiam River so many years ago. I was just seventeen then! What a adventure Jesus has taken me on since. 

Someday Dylan and I will be watching our own little ones come out of that water, refreshed in soul. Proclaiming Gods comforting hands in their hearts! What a beautiful and special time that will be! Times like watching others get baptized always make my eyes swell with liquids that I try to hide. Because God is so good, to save us- when we’ve done nothing to earn his grace and love. When we have hurt Him. But, that’s what grace is! He gives us what we do not deserve, He just simply desires our love, attention, desire to follow in his steps and keep Him in our hearts. Childlike faith is to simply love and follow him and He guides the rest. 

I was sitting in church today and found a four leaf clover today too, that was pretty awesome. Made the day feel a bit more special somehow. 

Tonight we put together a small table and two chairs set I bought the little two around Christmas. A quaint little set that wouldn’t hold my left leg probably- but the littles were overjoyed for a new place to color and play. You know kids have overtaken your home when they have two tables full of arts and crafts in one room! Haha! 

I’m hearing those sweet little frogs outside my bedroom window. Fresh cool summer air is coming in with the frogs music (and also some snoring from my precious husband.) The Smith family children are all in bed and sweetly dreaming. Harrison probably dreams about football (his new obsession!) and Walter usually about Legos. My “babies” are dreaming away in their room, a room where a bunk bed sits but is never used. They sleep cuddled up together almost every night, and I know someday it will end. They will not talk (for far too long) into the night, they will actually use both beds. I will be sad when that time comes, as most chapters of children growing have made me emotional. 

They grow so fast. Like the bright, sweet smelling blooms on my cucumber plant- here today and gone tomorrow. I try to savor the small things they do and say, the moments of quiet and what is. So thankful for all of our babies and for our savior Jesus Christ. 

Have a great week friends. 



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