Deer Devastation.

 I woke up this morning blurry eyed, stumbled through my room and into my bathroom where I shoved my glasses on my face in a hurry. Kids were already awake and I knew that meant gurgling tummies and strong coffee to be made. 

I felt a bit more put together and less Alice In Wonderland once I had my hot coffee and the kids were stuffed and satiated. I hunted down my well-loved Birkenstock’s and headed out to my happy place, my garden. 

Watering away, nothing was getting me down. Birds were chirping, it wasn’t yet 90 degrees (yuck!) and kids were still inside doing something quiet for once. 

I walk over my crunchy, brown, sad lawn and see them. 

Shorter then they have been in a month, jagged, upset, I see what appears to be sabotage. 


Then I see the prints in the soil. It all comes rushing back to me, about knocks me on my feet and instantly tears form. 


“But! But! But! What if my plants all die now?! What if the deer come back?! What if...” 

I struggled to compose myself, but finally managed. Walking inside, I asked my boys to hold me while I *fake* cried. They chuckled and consoled me in the sweetest way. Gotta love em’.

Now it is the next day, and honestly I am still sad but I’ll get over it- I just hope my plants do! 

Anyway, I have to go. I have major deer deterrence to look into. Wish me luck. 


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