Living slower.

I’ve been trying this thing called “slowing down.” You May have heard of it? It’s new to me, but apparently with the hustle of today’s world (picture four littles demanding attention 24/7) we can become overwhelmed. 

It’s easy to do, run run run RUN... until you haven’t physically gone anywhere- but are completely exhausted from the trip. Parenting is like that, and I’m sure for the men and working women out there they too can relate.

Sometimes we need to just breathe. 

In and out. Slow down. Just watch what you are doing, watch your hands as they grip the coffee mug, the coffee pot pitcher, see the extra bold beans of heavenly sweetness drip down into your cup. Take a sip. Then another. Breathe. 

Remember even when the chaos (and boy do I know what I’m talking about here!) is flying in your face... you can breathe. Take the time to do the dishes, fold the laundry or even just sip your coffee. Life is short, remember to slow down and let the waves of time freeze for a few moments.


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